Venture Capital Modeling | Valuation | Fund Raising

Learn about Venture Capital, its financial modeling and valuation with the help of a case study

Venture capital is financing, also a type of private equity that investors provide to startup companies, emerging firms and small businesses that are believed to have long-term growth potential. To determine such their growth viability there are various financial factors which are considered. These are determined with the help of Venture capital modeling.

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Venture capital is financing, also a type of private equity that investors provide to startup companies, emerging firms and small businesses that are believed to have long-term growth potential. To determine such their growth viability there are various financial factors which are considered. These are determined with the help of Venture capital modeling.

Through these tutorials we are going to learn about Venture capital, its financial modeling and valuation with the help of a case study.

This training would be covering up

Venture capital is financing, also a type of private equity that investors provide to startup companies, emerging firms and small businesses that are believed to have long-term growth potential. To determine such their growth viability there are various financial factors which are considered. Through these tutorials we are going to learn about the basic concepts related to Venture capital, its process and exit strategies. This training would be covering up What is Venture Capital, Features of Venture Capital, Venture capital Process, Stages of Venture Capital, Exit Strategies, Advantages of Venture Capital, Top 5 Venture Capitalists.